Our feminine power and beauty is an endless source of my inspiration. I love our sensuality which is also our strength. I capture the look and emotion to allow it to continue on the canvas. Loving to play with colors ,materials and contrasts. Chalkpaint and resin are contrasting materials that need each other in my art on the canvas. Let’s merge them into an artwork that will elevate any space.

My Quote: Let loving feminine power increase in our precious world.

She grew up at The Hague city near the sea in the Netherlands. Her father was an teacher art history and social studies . Her mother owned an Art Gallery and was active in feminine politics. So Constanza grew up in a family where Art and politics were discussed a lot.
At the age of 19 she went to Paris working there as a model and mannequin. After 5 years she returned to her homeland and went to the school of Arts. In 1992 she finished it and she moved to the south part in the country. In the meanwhile she got 2 boys and start living with her partner on an old farm in a small village.
She combined her life with modeling, teaching, painting and motherhood. On the farm she also had the opportunity to keep her horses. In her art horses were a constant theme for a longtime. She has painted many famous horses and their riders in commission. But also her past as a model gives her inspiration to paint women in their beauty and strength.