As we know from the work of Carl Jung (Man and His Symbols) and made well known by Joseph Campbell, the human unconscious is like a large ocean. Exploring the depths of this ocean sometimes reveals marvelous discoveries for the viewers. Artists serve a cultural purpose in bringing these symbols above the surface and out where they can be seen with conscious awareness. According to Jung, it is a goal of human beings to eventually make conscious all of what is in the unconscious. Artists, being generally of a more sensitive nature, can help humanity toward this goal.

I experience the act of drawing by being open to diving deeply into this “oceanic unconscious”. This is key to my work. When I make art, I allow the inspiration to emerge from my subconscious mind as the drawing quickly manifests of its own accord, as do dream symbols – except that I am awake when it happens. To do this, I get my rational mind out of the way so the creative imagination can work spontaneously. The art is not concocted by my intellect, but it comes from a deeper level of the mind.

Emmalee Hazer is strong in holding onto a concept or process that excites her and is useful, but she knows how to expand possibilities for expression. This shows in her products the variety of options with potential, a threading theme or a radical transformation of approach or content.  She knows about the various forces that develop the artist, both paranormal and human, both constructive and destructive, and has tools to protect against and redirect the destructive, while embracing the constructive. There are certainly times, when Emmalee is aware of the powerful state, where she is at once the artist and the artwork. The challenge is to guide inspiration, when possible or necessary, and to become the tool of the medium, as they flow together to manifest a product. This is the mystical component that defies explanation. The secret is to become increasingly skilled at "working" the options in a fluid manner, but never allowing fear to destroy a fine work of art in the making.